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Cinema Room Fabric
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Cinema Room Fabric

Cinema Room Fabric used for cinemas room must be flame retardant, it would keep the clients safe in case of fire and reduce the mortality and loss. Secondly the fabric has be sound absorbing. Cinema rooms are usually very large, if there is no acoustic treatment, there would be much echo and reverberation during the films, it would cause bad watching experience for the audience.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

1. Zinema gelaren ehunaren produktuaren aurkezpena

Fabric used for cinemas room must be flame retardant, it would keep the clients safe in case of fire and reduce the mortality and loss. Secondly the fabric has be sound absorbing. Cinema rooms are usually very large, if there is no acoustic treatment, there would be much echo and reverberation during the films, it would cause bad watching experience for the audience.

Qdboss cinema room fabric is made of polyester with fiberglass, it is both flame retardant and acoustic, top 10 cinema chains are using our fabric, and we also produce Dolby certificated fabric.

2. Zinema gelaren ehunaren zehaztapena






1,5 m




0,6-0,95 beira-zuntzarekin




3 .Zinema gelaren ehunaren ezaugarriak

Ehuna zimurren kontrakoa da, forma ona mantentzen du, ehuna sendoa eta iraunkorra da, propietate kimiko onak ditu, azidoak eta alkaliek kalte gutxi eragiten diotela, bakterioen aurkakoak, sitsaren aurkakoak eta argi-erresistentzia ona. Oso egokia antzerki zuzendaritzarako eta dekorazio zuzendaritzarako. Suaren atzeratzailea, errautsak bakarrik daude suan, gar edo gorotzik ez. Akustikoa da, NRC beira zuntzarekin 0,9 izan daiteke zinema aretoetan.


4. Qualification of Cinema room fabric


We have 7 modern workshops and production line, with patent technology to make the stable products. Qdboss produces flame retardant Cinema room fabric, fabric wrapped fiberglass acoustic panel, fiberglass acoustic ceiling. We have different production lines for different method of flame retardant process, such as carton coating process, flame retardant soaking process, fiberglass fabric process, to meet the different requirements from the clients.



5 Zergatik aukeratu Qdboss Acoustic Cinema aretoko ehuna

1. Qdboss has ten years production experience for acoustic panels, flame retardant fabric and meltblown fabric

2. We have thousands of projects to prove our good quality and service, especially in the cinema industry, Top 10 cinemas chains are using our cinema acoustic panel with the flame retardant fabric

3. 7 workshops and experienced workers to ensure the fast and production and delivery

4. 24/7 panel akustikoari eta ehunei buruzko edozein zalantza eskuratzeko.

5. SGS proben txosten multzo osoa eskuragarri suaren, erresistentzia termikoaren eta formaldehidoaren askapenetarako

6. Qdboss etxean eta atzerrian hainbat marka ospetsuren hornitzailea da


6 How to Install Cinema room fabric

Cut the fiberglass and fabric to required size according to the drawings. Then harden the edge of the fiberglass to make it tough and dry it. After than wrap the fabric to the fiberglass with E0 grade glue.

Ehunez bildutako beira-zuntzezko panela horman zuzenean jar daiteke aireko iltze pistola edo kola bidez.

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