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Office Acoustic Baffle
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Office Acoustic Baffle

When people do Office Acoustic Baffle to the inside a building, not only the walls need to be treated, but also the ceiling. Many materials can be used for the acoustic ceiling, such as mineral wool ceiling, fiberglass ceiling, wood ceiling, fiberglass ceiling.

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1. Office Acoustic Baffle produktuaren aurkezpena

Jendeak eraikin baten barruko tratamendu akustikoa egiten duenean, hormak tratatu behar dira, baita sabaia ere. Sabaia akustikorako material asko erabil daitezke, hala nola artilezko mineral sabaia, beira-zuntzezko sabaia, zurezko sabaia, beira-zuntzezko sabaia. Eta era desberdinetan ere egon daitezke, gehienetan norabide horizontalean. Azken urteotan, Office Acoustic Baffle gero eta ezagunagoa da.


2.Features of Office Acoustic Baffle

Dekoratuak: Bafleak forma eta kolore desberdinetakoak izan daitezke

Flame-retardant: ASTM E84 Testing Class A Grade

Sound absorption and reverberation reduce

Easy to install

Ingurumenarekiko errespetagarria E0 kalifikazioa

Hainbat tamaina eskuragarri

3. Qualification of Office Acoustic Baffle


7 tailer eta ekoizpen lerro moderno ditugu, patenteak teknologiarekin produktu egonkorrak egiteko. Qdboss-ek suaren kontrako bulego akustikoa sortzen du, oihalezko beira-zuntzezko panel akustikoa, beira-zuntzezko sabaia akustikoa.

4 Office Acoustic Baffle prozesatzeko prozesua

The finished panel is 2420*1220mm, rectangle shape. We have the blade cutting station and laser cutting machine. And the panel can be cut to different sizes such as 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, or in round, hexagon shape, or any irregular shapes.
Lau ertzak alakatu daitezke, lotura zatiek modu naturalagoan ematen dute horrela horman.
Kolore zuria ereduekin edo irudiekin inprimatu daiteke, apaingarriagoa izan dadin.


5 Office Baffle akustikoen paketatzea

We have standard carton packing for the full size polyester fiber panel (1220x2420*9mm), 10 pieces per carton, and the carton size is 2450x1250x105mm. Custom size cartons can also be made according to the sizes required by the client. And non-fumigation pallet can also be used upon request


6 How do the acoustic baffle work?

There are a large number of tiny interconnected pores inside the baffle. Acoustic waves can penetrate into the baffle along these pores, and frictional action with the material, converts sound energy into heat energy. After friction, the sound energy fades and less reverberation.


7 Zergatik aukeratu Qdboss Acoustic Office Akustikoa Baffle

1. Qdboss-ek hamar urteko esperientzia du panel akustikoen ekoizpenean
2.We have thousands of projects to prove our good quality and service, especially in the cinema industry, Top 10 cinemas chains are using our cinema acoustic panel
3.7 tailer eta esperientziadun langileak azkarra, ekoizpena eta entrega ziurtatzeko
4.24/7 available for any question about acoustic panel
5.Full set of SGS testing report available for fire, thermal resistance, formaldehyde release
6.Qdboss is the supplier for several famous brand at home and abroad

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