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Intsonorizatutako Panel Akustikoa
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Intsonorizatutako Panel Akustikoa

QDBOSS Soundproof Acoustic Panel uses high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

1.Introduction of Soundproof Acoustic Panel

QDBOSS Fabric wrapped acoustic panel uses high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc. The various colors and finish choices, can satisfy all the customer’s acoustic and decoration requirement. The Soundproof Acoustic Panel is designed to absorb harsh, distracting noises like echo and reverb to help the right sound through and resonate with audiences.  Hardened edges for the acoustic panel can help increase durability in Cinema, Multi-purpose Rooms, Meeting room, KTV, Hotel, Music Rooms, Auditoriums and Theaters.


2. Soinu Intsonorizatutako Panel Akustikoaren zehaztapena

produktuaren izena

Soundproof Acoustic Panel




Fiberglass(Glasswool) + Flame-retardant Fabric

(poliesterra / zuntz akrilikoak / polipropilenoa / beira zuntza)

Suaren aurkako kalifikazioa (oinarria)

Non-combustible, Grade A

Flame Retardant Rating (CNS)


Orokorrean NRC


Absorption Frequency

Maiztasun baxu, ertain eta altuak


Many colors

Lodiera estandarra

25mm/50mm or customize

Standard Size

600x600mm, 600x1200mm edo pertsonalizatu


Soinu xurgatzailea, oihartzuna eta erreberberzioa murrizteko. Alboko horman edo atzeko horman muntatuta.



QDBOSS Fabric acoustic panel can be used widely for the place where has higher requirement for acoustics, such as Cinemas, Churches, Offices, Schools, Multi-purpose Rooms, Music Rooms, Auditoriums and Theaters.

4. Panel akustiko intsonorizatuaren xehetasunak

These pictures hope to better help you understand Soundproof Acoustic Panel.
The fiberglass board can be wrapped with different types of fire retardant fabric like activated carbon coating fabric and fiberglass fabric which has good FR performance and various colors. We can also do UV printing on white color fabric with customers’ design to be better decorative. Customized shape also can be made by our CNC machine as your requirements.

5. Panel akustiko intsonorizatuaren entrega eta bidalketa zerbitzua

Packaging details:

25mm thickness fabric acoustic panel 15pcs/carton

50 mm-ko lodiera duen oihal panel akustikoa 8 pieza / kaxa

Shipping methods:

Airez edo espresuki: Fedex, UPS, DHL edo Air paketea.

Itsasoz: Qingdaoko itsas portutik

By Train or by land

Ordainketa moduak:

T/T, Paypal, Western union, Moneygram, Cash


6. Galdera arrunta

Q: What's the material of fabric wrapped acoustic panel?

A: muinoko materiala beira-zuntzezko taula da (ertza gogortua eta ertz alakatua), suaren aurkako oihal mota desberdinak bil daitezkeena.

G: Zer da Soundproof Panel Akustikoaren NRCa?

A: NRC can reach 0.95

Q: Can Fabric acoustic panel be flame retardant? Any certifications ?

A: Yes, we have national patent for flame retardant, all of our acoustic panels are permanent fire retardant, they've passed ASTM CLASS A and EN13501 CLASS B.

Q: Are you a manufacturer Of Soundproof Acoustic Panel ?

A: Yes, we are the largest acoustic materials manufacturer in China located in Qingdao, Shandong Province, Our factory's area is 40000 square meters.

Q: What is your lead time?

E: Hornitutako paneletarako, 3-5 egun inguru dira, panel pertsonalizatuak 7-10 egunekoak dira.

Q: What is your MOQ?

A: MOQrik ez

G: Nola lortzen dituzu ondasunak entregatzea?

A: By sea, by air and by express

G: gai al zara Ehuna panel akustikorako OEM egiteko?

A: Bai, gure indarguneetako bat OEM da

7.About Qdboss Acoustic Solution

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. 2008an sortua da Txinan fabrikatutako panel akustikoen fabrikatzaile profesional handiena. CineCon, CineEurope, CineAsia, Big Cine Expo, Kino Expo, Korea herrialde desberdinetan eraikitzen ditugu urte askotan zehar. Gure Panel Akustiko Intsonorizatua ekologikoa da, soinua xurgatzen du, suaren aurkako erresistentzia eta isolamendu termikoa da. Ingeniari talde bikaina eta produkzio lerro eraginkorra ditugu kalitate kontrol sistema zorrotza mantentzeko. Gure enpresak ospe handia lortu du merkatu globalean produktu onenekin eta zerbitzu bikainarekin. QDBOSS ACOUSTIC SOLUTION-ek etorkizun hurbilean zurekin lankidetzan aritzea espero du.

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